Does the world need another OB-wheel-due-date-calculator app? You bet! OB Wheels combines three things that clinicians need to derive all the dates necessary in pregnancy care, and no other app has this combination.
It contains a calendar calculator to determine EDD (EDC) from LMP or from a sonogram report. The calendar calculator also provides gestational age (EGA) as of any date for a given EDD or LMP. Because the calculator works off the real calendar, it is accurate for leap years too.
Then for all of you who miss your cardboard OB wheel, the app contains one which you can rotate, pinch and zoom, and generally play with just like a regular cardboard wheel. It's a little tricky to learn how to plant two fingers and rotate them rather than pinch-and-zoom to get rotation versus resizing. But the wheel works and it is accurate, especially so because you can zoom in to be sure where the little date hash lines lie.
Finally, the app notes the most recent committee opinion scheme from ACOG on how one might reconcile due dates from LMP and sonograms to arrive at a single final EDD. To my knowledge, the scheme is authority-based and no better or worse than other schemes, but my practice and my learners need a single clear scheme, so this app includes one for easy reference.
As an educator and clinician myself, I am grateful for feedback. Email me via the contact email at my website.
Keywords: OB Wheel, Pregenancy, Due Date
Copyright: 2017 Joshua Steinberg MD, Harshad Loya (Android App Developer), Patrick Madden
Apakah dunia membutuhkan aplikasi lain OB-wheel-karena-date-kalkulator? Anda bertaruh! OB Roda menggabungkan tiga hal yang dokter perlu untuk mendapatkan semua tanggal yang diperlukan dalam perawatan kehamilan, dan tidak ada aplikasi lain memiliki kombinasi ini.
Ini berisi kalkulator kalender untuk menentukan EDD (EDC) dari LMP atau dari laporan sonogram. Kalkulator kalender juga menyediakan usia kehamilan (EGA) pada setiap tanggal untuk EDD diberikan atau LMP. Karena kalkulator bekerja dari kalender nyata, akurat untuk tahun kabisat juga.
Kemudian untuk semua yang kehilangan roda kardus OB Anda, aplikasi berisi satu yang dapat Anda memutar, dan pinch zoom, dan umumnya bermain dengan seperti roda kardus biasa. Ini sedikit sulit untuk belajar bagaimana untuk menanam dua jari dan memutar mereka daripada pinch-zoom dan-untuk mendapatkan rotasi vs mengubah ukuran. Tapi karya-karya roda dan akurat, terutama jadi karena Anda dapat memperbesar untuk memastikan di mana garis tanggal hash sedikit berbohong.
Akhirnya, aplikasi mencatat skema pendapat panitia terbaru dari ACOG tentang bagaimana seseorang dapat mendamaikan tanggal jatuh tempo dari LMP dan sonogram untuk sampai pada EDD akhir tunggal. Untuk pengetahuan saya, skema ini berdasarkan otoritas-dan tidak ada yang lebih baik atau lebih buruk daripada skema lain, tetapi praktek saya dan peserta didik saya membutuhkan skema yang jelas tunggal, sehingga aplikasi ini mencakup satu untuk kemudahan referensi.
Sebagai seorang pendidik dan dokter sendiri, saya bersyukur untuk umpan balik. Email saya melalui email kontak di website saya.
Kata kunci: OB Wheel, Pregenancy, Due Date
Copyright: 2017 Joshua Steinberg MD, Harshad Loya (Android App Developer), Patrick Madden
Does the world need another OB-wheel-due-date-calculator app? You bet! OB Wheels combines three things that clinicians need to derive all the dates necessary in pregnancy care, and no other app has this combination.
It contains a calendar calculator to determine EDD (EDC) from LMP or from a sonogram report. The calendar calculator also provides gestational age (EGA) as of any date for a given EDD or LMP. Because the calculator works off the real calendar, it is accurate for leap years too.
Then for all of you who miss your cardboard OB wheel, the app contains one which you can rotate, pinch and zoom, and generally play with just like a regular cardboard wheel. It's a little tricky to learn how to plant two fingers and rotate them rather than pinch-and-zoom to get rotation versus resizing. But the wheel works and it is accurate, especially so because you can zoom in to be sure where the little date hash lines lie.
Finally, the app notes the most recent committee opinion scheme from ACOG on how one might reconcile due dates from LMP and sonograms to arrive at a single final EDD. To my knowledge, the scheme is authority-based and no better or worse than other schemes, but my practice and my learners need a single clear scheme, so this app includes one for easy reference.
As an educator and clinician myself, I am grateful for feedback. Email me via the contact email at my website.
Keywords: OB Wheel, Pregenancy, Due Date
Copyright: 2017 Joshua Steinberg MD, Harshad Loya (Android App Developer), Patrick Madden